I have produced several series of videos exploring “The Spirit of Place”. These combine images with music. The music is not necessarily intended to reflect the quality of the place. It might be a counterpoint to the images, or sometimes apparently contradictory. The point, really, is that these pieces just show us what there is. I hope the combination of music and image simply encourages us to look in a different way. The most ordinary things can be epiphanies.

Here are some Excursions, Pilgrimages, and Symphonies from Inchanted Ground:

More Excursions Op. 129

This is a series of excursions with music from 2018.

More Excursions Op. 129 YouTube playlist

A Fruit for Each Moon Op. 128

This is a series of short films which form a musical pilgrimage round the turning year.

Here is an introduction to the project.

A Fruit for each Moon Op. 128 – YouTube playlist

River Op. 124 No. 2

This is a 35 minute film exploring the River Sow in Stafford from its confluence with the Trent at Shugborough to its source at the watershed of England. . The piece also travels from early April to late August – it was completed on the unusually sunny bank holiday, 2017.

Silva op. 124 No. 1

Excursions to Inchanted Ground Op. 119 –  6 pieces from 2016

The phrase “Inchanted Ground”comes from Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress.” To Bunyan it stands for the enchantments of this world which distract us from our journey. I don’t see the world like that.

A Pilgrimage and Disguise Op. 113 – 12 pieces from 2014

In 2013-4 I produced a set of six larger scale works, “Symphonies from Inchanted Ground Op. 115” which explore the idea of archetypal themes in landscape. This is a short video introducing the idea.

Symphonies from Inchanted Ground – Border

Symphonies from Inchanted Ground – Vale

Symphonies from Inchanted Ground – Forest

Symphonies from Inchanted Ground – Three Places in Oxfordshire

Symphonies from Inchanted Ground – The Ouse Pilgrimage

Symphonies from Inchanted Ground – No. 6